The purpose of this campaign is to gather customer perceptions of your product, or service, and what their favorite features may be. You may even include a discount coupon in the Sideqik-automated email as a reward for completing the promotion.
Best Practices
Speed Assurance
Customers are 81% more likely to leave a response, if they know they will get a timely response. Be sure to let them know they will receive an email within 15 minutes of leaving a response. The Sideqik platform will make sure of this, all you have to do is craft the email copy ahead of time.
Utilize Social
People are shown to be much more likely to fill out surveys on social platforms. Try to target your customers on social for reach out.
What is the Sideqik Dashboard Telling You?
Dig into our dashboard analytics while the campaign is running. Are many users visiting the survey but not answering it? Read between the lines here, and try to uncover why. This may lead to even greater discoveries.
Keep it Simple
Customer surveys are all about simplicity and ease-of-use. Make sure you don't make the survey instructions too wordy, or include too many questions. This will encourage your customers to complete the forms in their entirety.
See more blueprints here
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